Sir Run Run Shaw Distinguished Visiting Scholar Lecture 2019/20

‘I have never imagined that someday in my life I would have the honor to dine with Prof. Ezra F. Vogel and other distinguished scholars at the same table. The respected expert of East Asia studies and the Master of Shaw College was just sitting at my right side, and visiting scholars from Harvard University and HKUST were at my left. A mixture of thrill and nervous tension almost overwhelmed me so that I neither enjoyed the food nor joined their conversation at the beginning.

However, when the eminent speaker standing on a high, distant stage in the spotlight descend to an ordinary chair within touch, soon I found the amiable and caring side of him. Prof. Vogel asked questions about the well-being of students, especially the minority on campus, so was the same of other scholars. I realized maybe the starting point of their research and contributions to the academia might be rooted in their concern for human and the happiness of each individual. Moreover, several American scholars' expertise in Chinese and Japanese cultures and their open-mindedness towards differences offered me an enlightening perspective to look at international relationships.’

Jasmine YU