Jenny AU - Class of 2016

“GLEF courses have laid a solid foundation for my banking career. The curriculum is well structured and practical, including international financial markets, products pricing, corporate finance and many more.

Besides academic aspect, CUHK and GLEF offered me a fulfilling and colorful university life. In my freshman year, my friends and I initiated GEFS, where I got chances to meet new people and made some lifelong friends. In my senior years, I organized a service trip to Sri Lanka, went on semester to the UK and done an internship at HSBC (where I got graduate job offer from).

GLEF is a warm family, where professors and staff are always here to offer guidance and help. There are plenty of opportunities, internships, exchanges, scholarships, competitions, academic conferences, you name it. GLEF is the ideal place to learn, grow and glow! Join us.”