Franck WANG – The University of Sydney, Australia

“Auzzie life! The summer exchange in The University of Sydney brought me the one of the most fantastic moments in my university life. Academics in USYD, unique landscapes, passionate beaches, and special animals impressed me a lot, but it was the Auzzie lifestyle that really touched me. Though Australia was comprised of different ethnic groups, the society stayed in harmony with people adopting distinguished cultures. Animals were well respected in the country, and there was even a law prohibiting human from hurting them. Never feel surprised when a seagull just walked past you. People there cared about the environment, as green energy industries developed well and recycling was emphasized. I was not used to daily meals made up by fish and chips, burgers, or meat pies at first, but I miss them quite a lot now. Seafood in the Sydney fish market was great. My host family was ethnically Vietnamese, so I got a chance to get exposed to the traditional Vietnam cuisines. I miss Australia so much!”